Moving Tips

General Moving Tips


The month’s end and Spring and Summer are the busy moving times.  One should be aware of how busy it is and plan ahead.  Calling at the beginning of the month is best for arranging a move at the end of the month.


Have enough hands to do the job safely.  If an extra set of hands is needed ask yourself if you really want to be that set of hands.  If you think a third or fourth person may be needed to make a safe move then please let us know ahead of time.


Be aware of the bed bug situation in Vancouver.  Unfortunately, many people are not even aware that they have these pests.  Look online to see the signs they leave in the corners of your mattresses and hire movers that deal with moving these items as they will take all the proper precautions.  


Be aware of elevator and parking requirements on both ends of the move.  Special arrangements need to be made to book and park at times.  Be sure what the requirements are and what times may be available so we know how to coordinate the move.


Pre-packing will save you a great deal of time rather than packing the day of the move.  Making sure all of your very delicate and valuable items are taken care of and moved in a person’s vehicle is also a good idea.


Try to have fun.  Some would say this is a crazy thing to say for a move, but going to a new space and making it the way you like can be a good, new, interesting experience.  New things can add some spice to life.  This is important when the reality is that most people moving homes are stressed, tired and worried.  The movers may be working long hours with heavy lifting and clients that may not be as understanding as you.  It’s important that everyone takes part in making the move an “interesting” life experience rather than one that is “stressful”.  Ultimately reality is what we make it.  

We at Residential Movers are looking forward to helping you with your next move! 

Moving special items. Some things to think about…


Potentially dangerous items like propane tanks and potentially damaging items like paint should always be taken with a personal vehicle.  It is not worth risking the rest of your valuables by bringing items that may ruin the load.


Fridges need to be upright at least an equal amount of time they are laid down before they are plugged back on so the refrigerant may flow back to the compressor.


Plants should not be newly watered.


It is a good idea for all beds to have mattress bags.  


Barbecues should be cleaned out before moving.  Most furniture needs dusting as well.   If the homeowner or cleaners do not clean these items, then the movers will have to and the time needed to complete the move will be extended.


All delicate items need to be properly padded before they are boxed.  There are many online youtube videos that show sample packaging.


Be sure that your new place can take what you want it to take comfortably.  With the high costs of space in the Lower Mainland, many people don’t have as much room as they would like.  Having a good idea of what items will go in what room will help you decide what needs to be donated or thrown away.


Colour labels or stickers can help movers put your items in the rooms where you want them.

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